| 1. | Trainees who completed courses and are certified as qualified can obtain professional certificates of relevant levels 学员毕业经考核后,可获得相关级别的专业证书。 |
| 2. | Please attach certified true copies of degree scrolls , professional certificates and transcripts of university academic records 请附上成绩单原件,学位证书,职称专业证书的复印件。 |
| 3. | Please attach certified true copies of degree scrolls , professional certificates and transcripts of university academic records 请附上核准无误的学位证书、专业证书和大学学业成绩单副本。 |
| 4. | Please attach the original copies of degree scrolls , professional certificates and transcripts of university academic records 请附上成绩单原件,学位证书,职称专业证书经公司证明过的复印件。 |
| 5. | Please provide full resume ( curriculum vitae ) both in chinese and english with references and other supportive documents ( id , education , professional certificate ) 有意者,请提供中英文简历,并付推荐信和其它证明文件(身份证,学历和专业资格证书) 。 |
| 6. | Article twenty - two institutions could employ those who obtain the professional certificate of eia engineer through national examination as engineer according to their needs 第二十二条通过全国统一考试,取得环境影响评价工程师职业资格证书的人员,用人单位可根据工作需要聘任工程师职务。 |
| 7. | Auston offers scholarship at diploma , advanced diploma and bachelor levels . mdis offers non - degree scholarships at professional certificate , diploma and advanced diploma levels 奥斯敦提供文凭,高级文凭及学士课程新加坡管理发展学院则提供初级证书课程专业证书课程文凭或高级文凭课程。 |
| 8. | Please send us your chinese and english resume with statement of current salary and expected salary as well as current photo , copies of college certificate , ic and professional certificates to shanghai representative office 有意应聘者请将中英文简历并注明目前薪资、期望薪资,以及身份证,学历证书,资格证书复印件及近照邮寄至上海代表处。 |
| 9. | Please send us your chinese and english resume with statement of current salary and expected salary as well as current photo , copies of college certificate , ic and professional certificates to shanghai representative office 有意应聘者请将中英文简历并注明目前薪资、期望薪资,以及身份证,学历证书,资格证书复印件及近照邮寄至上海代表处,截止期为广告后十五天,谢绝来电来访! |